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the power to choose


divorcio emocional el libro

emotional divorce.

The power to choose.

The third book by Gabriela Torres, where she proposes trying to rescue the relationship in a very committed and authentic way before accepting its end and will take us by the hand from confusion to the deep conviction that everything has been done and only the self-forgiveness and peace for having done the right thing. 
Exodus Publishing Group.

ISBN: 978-607-8543-11-3

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divorcio emocional el audiolibro

And I have also narrated it in audio version  so you can read while listening to me!!!

Click here.

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Live Free

A great book full of values and principles for  teach you to depend on yourself and choose your partner, but  not to depend on her. 


emotional gym

A daily routine accompanied by a phrase or a reflection to include in the behavioral repertoire for each day.

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 women who love each other

A  compendium of feminine self-esteem. A book  to learn to love, when we don't know how  do it.

Promociones libros

Workshops created and taught by:

Gabriela Torres de Moroso Bussetti, Clinical Psychologist with 30 years of professional experience. Specialist in emotional dependencies and author of 5 books on the subject. Your resume.

Our workshops and camps are a meeting, learning and personal growth space designed to offer tools to improve your self-knowledge and our purpose is exclusively for educational purposes. The contents of workshops and other events may or may not be relevant to your particular situation. They are not a clinical or medical space and it is not a substitute for any therapeutic process or for the solution of serious problems such as violence of any kind, problems related to substance abuse, alcoholism, clinically diagnosed depression or conditions that require medical attention and/or psychiatric We reserve the right of admission.

Gabriela Torres de Moroso Bussetti, psicóloga
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