Centro | Psiconutrición
Online therapeutic workshop on smart parenting based on the book
"Parenting based on principles"
What is this workshop?
It is a space for containment and learning to empower ourselves and have the strength to stop buying our children what we never had, and start teaching them what we never learned. To be the father that we would have liked to have ourselves in light of the consciousness that we have as the adults that we are today.
12 meses, una sesión de 60 minutos por semana.
Inversión personal:
$400 PESOS O $33USD* AL MES.
(*Para personas que radican fuera de la República Mexicana)
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The main objective of the book and of this therapeutic workshop is to bring closer and give value to all of us who, after growing up in a society where children were dominated by our parents, have tried to restore our personal shortcomings by being "friends" of our children, many times leaving them orphans of us and choosing the difficult mission that has been conferred on us in their lives: Being parents and transmitting to our children the values necessary to form functional adults in society.
In its ON LINE mode, in any place where you have internet access. Just go to this page 10 minutes before the workshop and write the meeting number and password that we will provide you as soon as you confirm your registration payment.
Nuestros talleres son un espacio de encuentro, aprendizaje y crecimiento personal destinado a ofrecer herramientas para mejorar tu autoconocimiento y nuestro propósito es con fines educacionales exclusivamente. Los contenidos de los talleres y otros eventos pueden ser o no ser relevantes para tu situación en particular. No son un espacio terapéutico, clínico o médico y no es el remplazo de ningún proceso terapéutico ni de solución de problemas serios como violencia de cualquier tipo, problemas relacionados con el abuso de sustancias, alcoholismo, depresión clínicamente diagnosticada o condiciones que requieran atención médica y/o psiquiátrica. Nos reservamos el derecho de admisión.