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Taller de Inteligencia Espiritual

"Live present  in my present

What and for whom is this RETREAT?

For those seeking peace and serenity.

This retreat is the best opportunity to learn the art of living with dignity and respect for yourself. To raise your ability to accept. Meditation and conscious awareness.

A retreat to raise the spiritual quotient of its participants.

Taller de Inteligencia Espiritual


It aims to work deeply on our losses and on your sense of mission. In your personal legacy. In your sense of transcendence. It is a space to rediscover what you are alive for.  A space to talk about your ability to achieve and understand what happiness means to you.


Be aware that, among our 4 intelligences, this intelligence (the spiritual) is the only one that is exclusively human. The spiritual quotient is what makes us human.


Acting in accordance with principles is not of the animals, because they act by impulses or instincts.  Spirituality is the unique ability of the human being to solve the challenges of life without creating suffering in others or in himself, and it is the most direct path to inner peace. It is to thank, recognize and value life itself.

Taller de Inteligencia Espiritual


It is taught 6 times a year, the third weekend of every even month. The 2022 dates are:

February 19 and 20, April 16 and 17, June 18 and 19, August 20 and 21, October 22 and 23 and December 24 and 25.


It starts at 10 am on Saturday and ends at 2 pm on Sunday. Due to the pandemic, we recommend that you register and wait for us to confirm.


$2,900MXN per person, and includes the workshop, and the materials required, food, camp-type accommodation (you must bring a tent and sleeping) and round trip transportation. Price plus VAT.


It is taught at Villa Sol y Luna.  In the magical town of Tlayacapan, Morelos, 2 hours from CdMx.  

Here the instructions:    

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Workshop  created  and imparted  by:

Pablo Moroso Bussetti

psicoterapia en línea con gabriela torres de moroso bussetti
Divorcio emocional, campamento de desprendimiento emocional

Our workshops are a meeting, learning and personal growth space designed to offer tools to improve your self-knowledge and our purpose is exclusively for educational purposes. The contents of workshops and other events may or may not be relevant to your particular situation. They are not a therapeutic, clinical or medical space and it is not a substitute for any therapeutic process or for the solution of serious problems such as violence of any kind, problems related to substance abuse, alcoholism, clinically diagnosed depression or conditions that require medical attention and / or psychiatric. We reserve the right of admission.

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